ZET-summit2025 事前来場登録フォーム/Pre-Registration for Participants
以下をご確認のうえ、ご入力ください/ Please check before completing the form
こちらはZET-summit 2025の事前来場登録フォームです。参加をご希望の方は下記フォームに必要事項を記入のうえご送信ください。
This is the pre-registration form for ZET-summit 2025. If you wish to attend, please fill out and submit the form below.
The fields followed by the red icon (必須 ) are mandatory.
After filling in the form, click on the blue button at the bottom of the page (同意して次へ) to validate.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, so please be sure to check it. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail, please contact the Event Administrative office.
【以下は質問項目内の注釈です/About notice marks in the form】
※1:Participation fee for Networking event (1st day, from 18:30) :6,000yen (tax incl.)/person, payment in advance. The Event administrative office will contact you later about the fee payment.
※2:The personal information provided to the sponsor includes the name of your employer, school, department, title, name, and e-mail address. Please check the “Basic Policy on Personal Information” (Privacy Policy) in the form.